Study Game Design & Development  

Study game design and development abroad

“Who says you can’t turn gaming into a profession and make money?” Games are a highly popular form of entertainment with increasing demand because of easily accessible playing devices. They can be played on mobile devices, online platforms or streaming without the need for CDs as in the past. Additionally, there are free-to-play games and those with more affordable prices nowadays. Also, there are tools and programs for game development that are more user-friendly, making it easier to create games compared to the past. Therefore, the profession of game design and development has become more expansive. 

Game Design is the process of creating and designing interactive games, focusing on both creative thinking and technical skills. Therefore, a game design course will allow you to learn everything from the fundamental principles of game design, game mechanics, player interaction, narrative design, storytelling, characters, and engaging dialogues to creating game content (such as environments, illustrations and characters), programming, sound design and user interface design. This also includes testing and game production. 

Game Development is the process of creating and developing games in terms of various programming aspects. Game developers are the ones who take the designs from game designers and turn them into reality. A game development course will help you understand aspects such as game design, animation, gameplay system development, as well as soft skills development, including communication, systematic thinking, comparative thinking, teamwork and creative thinking. 

What skills will you acquire from studying Game Design & Game Development 

Creativity: A crucial skill in game design, as it helps in creating new and interesting stories, characters and scenes that engage and entertain players. Additionally, creative thinking that related to embracing new ideas will help us gather and offer valuable feedback in designing and developing better games. 

Communication: One of the essential skills as game designers or game developers need to explain their thoughts and express ideas effectively to work effectively with others. Communication here not only involves speaking but also includes writing, as designers need to write outlines and documents for presentations that explain the specifications or functions in the game for team members and stakeholders to understand. 

Collaboration: The game development process is not a solo effort. There are teams and departments working together to ensure the game is completed on time. For game designers, you need to consider how the work affects the overall team so that the game can be developed successfully. 

Career Opportunities in Game Design & Game Development  

  • Game Designer 
  • Game Developer 
  • Game Programmer 
  • 2D & 3D Game Artist 
  • Interface Designer 
  • Game Tester 
  • Concept Artist 
  • Environment Artist 
  • Character Artist 
  • Animator 
  • Art Director 
  • Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality Designer / Developer 

UK Universities for Game Design & Game Development  Programmes

Birmingham City University 

  • BA (Hons) Video Game Design 
  • BA (Hons) Video Game Art 
  • BSc (Hons) Video Game Development 
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Game Technology 

Bournemouth University  

  • BSc (Hons) Game Design 
  • BSc (Hons) Game Software Engineering 
  • MSc Games Design and Development 
  • MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development 

Brunel University London 

  • BA Game Design 
  • BA Game Design and Creative Writing 
  • MA Games Theory and Design 

Coventry University 

  • BA (Hons) Games Design and Development 
  • BA (Hons) Games Art 

De Montfort University 

  • BA (Hons) Game Art 
  • BA (Hons) Animation 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Production 

Goldsmiths, University of London 

  • MSc Computer Games Programming 
  • MA Computer Games Art & Design 
  • MA Games and Playful Design 

Manchester Metropolitan University 

  • BA (Hons) Games Design 
  • BA (Hons) Games Art 
  • MSc Computer Games Development 

Middlesex University London 

  • BA (Hons) Game and Level Design 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Design and Development 

Nottingham Trent University 

  • BSc (Hons) Games Design 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Production 
  • BSc (Hons) Esport Production  
  • MSc Esport Production  

Sheffield Hallam University 

  • BA (Hons) Game Design and Development 
  • MA Game Art 

University of Chester 

  • BSc (Hons) Games Development 

University of Huddersfield 

  • BA (Hons) Games Development (Design) 
  • BA (Hons) Games Development (Art) 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Development (Production) 
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Games Programming 

University of Liverpool 

  • BSc (Hons) Game Design 

University of Northampton 

  • BA (Hons) Game Design 
  • BA (Hons) Game Art 
  • BSc (Hons) Game Programming 

University of Portsmouth 

  • BA (Hons) Game Design 
  • MSc Computer Games Technology 

University of Southampton 

  • BA Games Design and Art 

University of the Creative Arts (UCA) 

  • BA (Hons) Games Design 
  • BA (Hons) Games Arts 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Development 
  • BA (Hons) Games Animation 
  • MA Games Design 
  • MSc Game Engineering 
  • MA Independent & Serious Games 

UWE Bristol 

  • BSc (Hons) Games Technology 
  • BSc (Hons) Games Technology (with Foundation Year) 
  • BSc (Hons) Games and Animation Production 
  • MSc Commercial Games Development 

Australian Universities for Game Design & Game Development  Programmes 

Griffith University 

  • Bachelor of Games Design 
  • Bachelor of Games Design (Honours) 

JMC Academy 

  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Animation) 
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Game Design) 

Macquarie University 

  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Music 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Psychology 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Science 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Commerce 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Planning 
  • Bachelor of Games Design and Development & Bachelor of Economics 

Murdoch University 

  • Bachelor of Creative Media (Major: Game Design) 
  • Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Creative Media (Major: Game Design) 

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 

  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments (Game Design) 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments (Animation) 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments (Software Technologies) 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments / Bachelor of Business 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments / Bachelor of Mathematics 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments / Bachelor of Science 

RMIT University 

  • Bachelor of Design (Games) 
  • Bachelor of Design (Animation and Interactive Media) 
  • Bachelor of Design (Digital Media) 
  • Bachelor of Media and Communication (Honours) 
  • Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity 

Swinburne University of Technology 

  • Bachelor of Games and Interactivity 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactivity / Bachelor of Animation 
  • Bachelor of Games and Interactivity / Bachelor of Computer Science 
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Games Development) 
  • Master of Design 

University of Adelaide 

  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Major: Game Art) 
  • Bachelor of Media (Major: Game Art) 

University of Canberra 

  • Bachelor of Digital Design (Game Design) 

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 

  • Bachelor of Games and Development 

* The list of courses above can be changed, please contact One Education for more information. 

Interested in studying Game Design & Game Development in the UK or Australia? Contact One Education to get more information and free counselling. Our service is completely free of charge.   
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One Education | Study Abroad. Simplified 

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