Study Linguistics 

Study Linguistics abroad

The field of Linguistics is significant in enhancing our knowledge and understanding of language, and it can be applied across various professions. For instance, it can be used in foreign language teaching, language learning, and communication. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in translation and contributes to the enrichment of knowledge and culture, supporting the development of business and tourism. 

What will you study in Linguistics? 

Linguistics is a discipline that studies language both theoretically and in practice. It emphasises the investigation and comprehension of language systems, the analysis of language structure (Syntax), the production of language sounds (Phonetics), patterns of sound in language and sequencing of sounds (Phonology), grammar (Morphology), as well as exploration the relationship between language and society (Sociolinguistics) through linguistic analysis observation. 

What skills will you acquire from studying Linguistics? 

Communication skills, which are the primary focus of studying Linguistics, aim to comprehend the structure of communication in various forms and contexts, enabling effective language use for communication. 

Cross-cultural skills are enhanced through studying Linguistics. It assists students in comprehending and communicating with individuals from different cultures and languages, fostering an understanding of cultural differences and cross-cultural thought processes. 

Observational and analytical skills are helpful in tasks requiring interpretation, analysis and research. Students can analyse complex language data and understand patterns of language usage, whether in verbal or written communication, as well as in nonverbal communication. 

Lifelong learning skills in English are cultivated due to the continuous learning and development required in the field of linguistics and language analysis systems. 

Career Opportunities in Linguistics 

  • Linguist 
  • Lexicographer 
  • Language Specialist 
  • Speech-Language Pathologist 
  • English as a Foreign or Second Language Teacher 
  • Translator / Interpreter 
  • Editor / Proofreader 
  • Copywriter / Copy Editor 
  • Communications Specialist 

UK Universities for Linguistics Programmes  – Ranked in Top 30 in the UK * 

  • University of Manchester (No.4) 
    • BA Linguistics 
    • MA Linguistics 
    • MA Intercultural Communication 
  • University of York (No.8) 
    • BA (Hons) Linguistics 
    • MA Linguistics 
    • MA Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching  
  • University of Warwick (No.9) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA Language, Culture and Communication 
    • BA Linguistics with Modern Languages 
    • MA TESOL 
    • MA Intercultural Communication for Business and Professional 
  • Cardiff University (No.11) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA English Language 
    • BA English Language and Literature 
    • BA English Language and Philosophy 
    • BA English Literature 
    • BA English Literature and Creative Writing 
    • BA English Literature and History 
    • MA Language and Linguistics 
    • MA Applied Linguistics 
  • University of Southampton (No.13) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA English and Modern Languages 
    • BA Language, Culture and Communication 
    • MA Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching 
    • MA English Language Teaching (TESOL) 
    • MA Languages and Cultures 
    • MA Translator and Professional Communication Skills 
  • King’s College London (No.14) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA English 
    • BA Comparative Literature 
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (No.15) 
    • BA Linguistics and English 
    • BA Linguistics and International Relations 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
  • University of Sheffield (No.17) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • MA Applied Linguistics 
    • MA Language and Linguistics 
    • MA TESOL 
  • University of Reading (No.18) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA English Language and Literature 
    • MA TESOL 
    • MA Applied Linguistics 
    • MSc Language Sciences 
  • University of Leeds (Top 25) 
    • BA English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA Linguistics  
    • BA Linguistics and Phonetics 
    • MA Linguistics 
  • University of Essex (Top 25) 
    • BA Linguistics 
    • MA Applied Linguistics 
    • MA Linguistics Studies 
    • MA Linguistics 
    • MA Psycholinguistics 
    • PhD Linguistics 
  • UWE Bristol (Top 25) 
    • BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics 
    • MA TESOL 
  • Nottingham Trent University (Top 30) 
    • BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics 
    • BA (Hons) History and Linguistics 
    • BA (Hons) Linguistics and Media 
    • BA (Hons) Linguistics and Philosophy 
    • MA Linguistics by Research 

*According to Linguistics Subject Rankings by The Complete Guide 2024 

Australian Universities for Linguistics Programmes – Ranked in Top 15 in Australia ** 

  • University of Melbourne (No.1) 
    • Bachelor of Arts (Major: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics) 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics 
  • Macquarie University (No.2) 
    • Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences 
    • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences 
    • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Law 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Data Science 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Finance
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Commerce
    • Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Marketing 
  • University of Sydney (No.3) 
    • Bachelor of Arts (Major: Linguistics) 
    • Master of Crosscultural and Applied Linguistics 
  • Australian National University (No.4) 
    • Bachelor of Arts  
    • Bachelor of Languages 
    • Master of General and Applied Linguistics 
    • Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced) 
  • Monash University (No.7) 
    • Bachelor of Arts (Major: Linguistics and English Language) 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics 
  • UNSW Sydney (No.8) 
    • Bachelor of Arts (Major: Linguistics) 
    • Master of Applied Linguistics  
  • Griffith University (Top 15) 
    • Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics 
    • Bachelor of Arts  
    • Master of TESOL 
  • University of Adelaide (Top 15) 
    • Bachelor of Arts (Major: Linguistics) 
    • Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) 

** According to Linguistics subject rankings by QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 
* The list of courses above can be changed, please contact One Education for more information.     

Interested in studying Linguistics in the UK or Australia? Contact One Education to get more information and free counselling. Our service is completely free of charge. 
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Call us: 02-652-0718 

One Education | Study Abroad. Simplified

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