Study Education & TESOL 

Study Education & TESOL abroad

Courses in education are crucial for developing teaching skills and preparing for a career in the education sector. They help students gain knowledge and understand principles and theories related to learning, skill development and effective teaching methods. Especially, for TESOL students, who will receive training to teach English to speakers of other languages, a valuable skill on a global scale. 

What will you study in Education / TESOL? 

Education courses enhance knowledge, analytical skills, and understanding of learning processes. They cover essential teaching skills, including curriculum design, classroom management, interaction with students of different age groups and educational levels, as well as handling diverse classroom situations. 

TESOL, or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, is a program designed to teach English to non-native speakers. This course enhances skills and knowledge in effective English language teaching for those learning it as a second or foreign language, opening opportunities for work both domestically and internationally. 

What skills will you acquire from studying Education & TESOL? 

Interpersonal skills often referred to as social skills, encompass emotional intelligence, effective communication, active listening, empathy, problem-solving and leadership. These are essential for life and career, especially in the field of education. 

Lifelong learning skills are crucial in today’s rapidly changing environment. Students must continuously develop their knowledge, seek information, and explore new teaching methods such as online teaching, interactive boards, learning management systems, or even emerging technologies like the Metaverse. 

Creative thinking skills are necessary for designing and presenting lessons that are engaging and suitable for diverse groups of learners. This involves developing activities that enhance skills and knowledge and maintaining a fun, safe and non-boring learning environment. 

Career Opportunities in Education / TESOL 

  • Teacher / Professor / Lecturer 
  • English as A Foreign Language Teacher  
  • School Counselor 
  • Education Administrator 
  • Education Consultant 
  • School Librarian 
  • Student Affairs Services Officer 
  • Private Tutor 
  • Admissions Counselor  
  • Academic Advisor 

UK Universities for Education / TESOL Programmes 

  • University of Manchester (Top 3 in the UK)  
    • BSc Education 
    • MA TESOL 
  • University of Edinburgh (Top 5 in the UK) – MSc TESOL 
  • University of Bath (Top 5 in the UK) – MA TESOL 
  • University of Bristol (Top 10 in the UK)  
    • MSc Education (Leadership and Policy) 
    • MSc Education (Neuroscience and Education) 
    • MSc Education (Policy and International Development) 
    • MSc Education (Learning, Technology and Society) 
    • MSc Education (Teaching and Learning) 
  • Northumbria University, Newcastle – MA Applied Linguistic for TESOL 
  • University of Birmingham  
    • MSc TESOL Education 
    • MA Applied Linguistic for TESOL 
  • University of Leeds – MA TESOL Studies 
  • University of Nottingham – MA TESOL 
  • University of Reading – MA TESOL 
  • University of Southampton  
    • BSc Education 
    • BSc Education and Psychology 
    • MA English Language Teaching TESOL 
    • MSc Education 
    • MSc Education Management and Leadership 
  • University of Sussex  
    • BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics (with TESOL) 
    • MA Applied Linguistic for TESOL 
  • University of Warwick – MA TESOL 

According to Complete University Guide Subject Lague Table 2024: Education

Australian Universities for Education & TESOL Programmes  

According to QS World Rankings by Subject 2023: Education & Training

* The list of courses above can be changed, please contact One Education for more information.  

Interested in studying Education / TESOL in the UK or Australia? Contact One Education to get more information and free counselling. Our service is completely free of charge.  
Add our Line official account: @one-edu  
Submit your enquiry here – our counsellor will contact you back directly.  
Call us: 02-652-0718  

One Education | Study Abroad. Simplified

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