Study Food Science

Study Food Science abroad

The food industry is a large and important industry for human livelihood. Food Science is a discipline that is a significant and in-demand field in the labor market. Due to the diversity in the application of knowledge in both scientific and industrial aspects, graduates who have completed their studies in Food Science have opportunities to work in various sectors, both public and private. 

What will you study in Food Science? 

Food Science is the study and research of food from a scientific perspective. This field focuses on analyzing the components and substances present in food, including food production processes, and their impact on human health. Students gain both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, striking a balance between scientific study and its application in the food industry. This includes the use of tools and technology for food analysis and testing, developing appropriate food formulations, enhancing food quality and safety, and studying innovations emerging in the food industry.  

What skills will you acquire from studying Food Science? 

Skills in science and technology: Students will gain knowledge of scientific principles and technologies related to food, including scientific experimentation, the use of tools and techniques for food analysis, the application of technology in food production, and the use of computer systems for data management and analysis. 

Skills in food analysis and quality assessment: This involves using scientific tools to measure the chemical, physical, and biological properties of food. Examples include measuring protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other substances in food, assessing food freshness, ensuring food safety, and controlling food waste. 

Skills in quality control and process improvement: Students will study food manufacturing processes, quality control in manufacturing, and process improvement to enhance efficiency and product quality. This includes food preservation, food packaging, and food safety practices. 

Skills in communication and teamwork: Developing and controlling food products requires collaboration among food scientists, food engineers, food chemists, nutritionists, and other relevant personnel. Therefore, communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving within a group are essential. 

Career Opportunities in Food Science 

  • Food Scientist / Technologist 
  • Food Chemist 
  • Nutritionist 
  • Food Inspector 
  • Food Policy Analyst 
  • Scientific Laboratory Technician 
  • Quality Assurance Manager 
  • R&D Product Manager 
  • Product / Process Development Scientist 

Expected Salary in Food Science 

Studying Food Science opens up opportunities for students to work in various industries such as the food and beverage industry, food factories, medical institutions specializing in nutrition, food research institutions, and other food-related organizations. Starting salaries for young graduates range from 16,000 to 20,000 baht per month, with the opportunity for rapid career progression within the food industry. This can also lead to average monthly incomes ranging from 60,000 to 270,000 baht, allowing for higher earning potential. 

UK University List for Food Science Programmes – Ranked in Top 30 in the UK 

  • University of Leeds (Top 10 in Food Science) 
    • BSc Food Science 
    • BSc Food Science and Nutrition 
    • BSc Nutrition 
    • MSc Food Science 
    • MSc Food Science (Food Biotechnology) 
    • MSc Food Science and Nutrition 
    • MSc Food Quality and Innovation 
    • MSc Nutrition 
  • University of Nottingham (Top 10 in Food Science) 
    • BSc (Hons) Food Science 
    • BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition 
    • BSc Nutrition 
    • MSci (Hons) Nutrition 
    • MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics 
  • University of Reading (Top 10 in Food Science) 
    • BSc Food Science with Foundation 
    • MSc Food Science 
    • MSc Nutrition and Food Science 
  • Bournemouth University 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition (with Foundation Year option) 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition  
    • MSc Nutrition & Behaviour 
  • Manchester Metropolitan University 
    • BSc Nutritional Sciences 
    • MSc Food Science and Innovation 
  • Northumbria University 
    • BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition 
    • MSc Nutritional Science  
    • MSc Sports and Exercise Nutrition 
  • Coventry University 
    • BSc (Hons) Food Science  
    • MSc Public Health Nutrition 
  • University of Chester 
    • BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Exercise Science 
    • MSc Food Science and Innovation 
    • MSc Public Health Nutrition 
    • MSc Human Nutrition 
    • MSc Exercise and Nutrition Science 
    • MSc Nutrition and Dietetics 
  • Sheffield Hallam University 
    • BSc (Hons) Food and Nutrition 
    • BSc (Hons) Food and Nutrition with Foundation Year 
    • BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition and Health 
    • BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition and Health with Foundation Year 
    • MSc Food and Nutrition Sciences 
    • MSc Food and Nutrition Sciences (with Work Experience) 
    • MSc Food Consumer Marketing and Product Development 
    • MSc Food Consumer Marketing and Product Development (with Work Experience) 
    • MSc Nutrition for Sport and Exercise 
    • MSc Nutrition with Obesity and Weight Management 
    • MSc Nutrition with Public Health Management 
  • Oxford Brookes University 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition 
    • BSc (Hons) Nutrition Science 
    • MSc Applied Human Nutrition 
    • MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition 

Australian University List for Food Science Programmes 

  • Curtin University 
    • Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Food Science) 
    • Bachelor of Science (Major: Food Science) 
    • Master of Science (Food Science and Technology) 
    • Master of Science (Agriculture and Food Security) 
  • Deakin University 
    • Bachelor of Nutrition Science  
    • Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Honours)  
    • Bachelor of Nutrition Science / Bachelor of Commerce 
    • Bachelor of Nutrition Science / Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science 
    • Bachelor of Health Science  
    • Master of Human Nutrition 
    • Master of Human Nutrition and Population Health 
    • Doctor of Philosophy (Nutrition and Public Health) 
  • RMIT University 
    • Bachelor of Food Technology and Nutrition  
    • Bachelor of Food Technology and Nutrition / Bachelor of Business 
    • Master of Science (Food Science) 
    • Master of Food Science and Technology 
    • PhD (Food Science) 
  • UNSW Sydney 
    • Bachelor of Food Science (Honours) 
    • Bachelor of Science (Major: Food Science) 
    • Bachelor of Science (International) (Major: Food Science) 
    • Bachelor of Science and Business (Major: Food Science) 
    • Master of Food Science 
  • University of Adelaide 
    • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science  
    • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) 
    • Master of Food and Nutrition Science  
    • Master of Global Food and Nutrition Science  
  • University of Melbourne 
    • Bachelor of Science (Major: Food Science) 
    • Master of Food Science  
  • University of Queensland 
    • Bachelor of Food Science (Major: Food Science and Nutrition) 
    • Bachelor of Food Science (Major: Food Technology) 
    • Master of Food Science and Technology 
    • Master of Food Science and Technology (Research Extensive) 

* The list of courses can be changed. For further information on Food Science, please contact One Education’s counsellors.   

The UK University Rankings are based on the information from The Complete Guide 2023. 

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