With 30 years of experience in guiding students, our comprehensive one-stop service offers expert support to ensure your success in studying abroad.

One Education brings the professional services of Thailand’s leading education advisors, Hamilton International’s UK expertise together with Insight Education Consulting’s Australia expertise.

To support students in Thailand and South-East Asia reach their dream study destination.

One Education Vision

One Education Offices

Our Success Stories


Hamilton International was officially founded.

Insight Education Consulting was officially founded in Sydney, Australia. It was operated by Thai and Australian executives.

Insight Education Consulting celebrating its 30 years anniversary

Insight Education Consulting and Hamilton Education join to form One Education.


We are an official representative of UK and Australian universities. We provide free counselling and services to support Thai and international students in Thailand.

30 years experience
Over 30 Years Experience

UK and Australian education experts

3 offices in Thailand
3 office locations

Across Bangkok, Thailand

Group of Eight Representative
Group of Eight Representatives

Represent all Group of Eight universities

Russell Group Representatives
High Ranking UK Universities

Represent prestigious universities

Qualified Education Agent
Qualified Education Agents

As a consultant for studying in the UK and Australia

Support 3,000+ students
Support over 3,000 students

Both Thai and international students in Thailand

One Education brings the professional services of Thailand's leading education advisors, Hamilton International's UK expertise together with Insight Education Consulting's Australia expertise. One.